LeadBoxer (est. 2014)
Core team:
Wart Fransen, Eddy Moojen, Cralan Deutch
B2B lead generation with actionable insights.
Automated b2b leads from your site. LeadBoxer build tools to help businesses make informed management & sales decisions in a secure environment. By storing millions of user profiles and clickstreams, combined with the latest data-protection technology, LeadBoxer delivers access to unparalleled visitor profile data in a concise, user-friendly format.
Business model:
SAAS model. Activation of clients primarily via online marketing and an eco-system of alliances.
Contribution of The Hatch Firm:
Together with the seasoned management team The Hatch Firm will hatch the inside advantage of LeadBoxer. The contribution of The Hatch Firm will focus on sales and KPI reporting.